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Trauma therapy in Berlin and Online

Trauma therapy is about positive change in the quality of life.

I accompany you, attentive to your concerns and wishes.

Find a more self-determined way of dealing with your unique experiences.

Services Offered

Trauma Therapy online / in-person

Clarification / Get started

Experience how unburdening it can be to talk about difficult situations.

  • Just talk
  • Relief
  • Sort out your thoughts
  • Work on a concrete topic

Duration: 3 sessions  

Transformation / Crisis

Learn to deal with change and crisis in a more empowered way.

  • Stabilization
  • Better understand what you have experienced
  • Understand symptoms of stress
  • Develop a new perspective

Duration: 10 sessions

Trauma / PTSD 

Process the traumatic experiences. 

  • For post-traumatic stress disorder
  • For complex PTSD and DIS
  • Transform ongoing conditions and deep-seated patterns

Duration: more than 10 sessions

During a free initial consultation we can decide together what is right for you!

Office in Berlin 

You will find each of my locations in Prenzlauer Berg, in a quiet courtyards, which provide a place to feel at ease.

Here it is all about you and your therapy goals.

The online setting for your trauma therapy:

Do you often feel overwhelmed with new places? Or is it difficult to find suitable therapists in your area? With online services, you can attend your therapy session from the comfort of your own home.

Online you can customize the surroundings for your trauma therapy as it suits you in order to be able to concentrate on the essentials.

What is trauma?

Trauma is what happens inside us when our limits are breached once or continuously. Our body and our psyche experience what happens as a massive threat (helplessness and loss of control), we lose access to our active agency, a survival mechanism kicks in.

How does trauma work?

The psyche splits off what is too much, it compartmentalizes the different aspects. Perception and consciousness are no longer connected. This is called dissociation, which manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes we dismiss something we have experienced that would be objectively considered pretty bad, thinking "it couldn't have been that bad" because we don't have a feeling about it. In this case, the meaning is compartmentalized.  Sometimes images are also split off, then we might have a stressful feeling or embodied memory, without a clear image or sense of what it is connected to. Sometimes the complete situation is split off, that is called amnesia. Then we only have the dull feeling that something is wrong. Whether and when an event results in trauma varies from individual to individual. 

Trauma Symptoms

Trauma manifests itself through symptoms. Symptoms that may arise as a result of trauma include:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Flashbacks and intrusive thoughts
  • Nightmares
  • Increased alertness/ hypervigilance
  • Vegetative overexcitability (sleep disturbances, irritability, concentration difficulties)
  • Difficulties in regulating affect, " excessive" feelings
  • Numbness, emotional numbness
  • A feeling of strangeness in one's own body/altered body perception
  • Pain or physical ailments without medical findings
  • Persistent states of exhaustion
  • Difficulty or inability to form social bonds Social withdrawal
  • Depression and loss of interest

  • Addictive behavior and eating disorders

  • Self-harming behavior
  • Dissociative disorders including dissociative identity structure

  • Lack of future vision/wishes

What is trauma therapy

The therapy is based entirely on what you are interested in! You decide what you want to achieve with the therapy. This varies from person to person. In trauma therapy, special methods are used to process your traumatic experiences. This enables a new quality of life. We work with your specific history and your resources. You decide what is important for you!  The goal is to live the life that is worthwhile for you!

And how does trauma therapy actually work?

Experiences often hold us back from living the life we want. Trauma therapy is the way to work towards reaching your full potential.

Trauma therapy consists of three parts. Understanding, Processing, Integrating.

In the first phase, it is about understanding. This includes understanding what happened and how it still affects you today. Equally important is understanding what you can do in spite of it all! These are our resources and they need to be recognized and strengthened. That's how you stabilize yourself. You recognize and experience your self-efficacy. You learn to act in a more self-determined way.

In the second phase it is a matter of classifying what you have experienced. It is like a book page that flies around freely and keeps blowing in front of your face, blocking your view.  It is about putting this book page back into the correct book, so that the experience gets a fixed place. Thus you can get some distance from what you have experienced. The trauma is no longer susceptible to sudden triggering. Now the symptoms can subside, because what was experienced no longer has to make itself known, but is being taken care of. In this phase, the process is accompanied by trauma-therapeutic methods that have been specially developed for this purpose.

The third phase is about integration. The tension that the trauma has created dissolves. This allows you to feel a new strength and you get to choose how you use it. Your story belongs to you! The story holds many resources that are now available to you.

Situations that are often the cause of trauma:

  • Accidents
  • Loss/separation
  • Bullying
  • Emotional neglect
  • Experiences of violence
  • Experiences of racism
  • Transphobia
  • Homophobia
  • Sexualized violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • Abuse
  • Betrayal by a caretaker
  • Psychological violence
  • Ritual abuse

And how does trauma therapy work online?

Trauma therapy works online just as it does in person at my Berlin office. The only difference is that the therapy takes place on the screen and not in the office. I use an online portal that was developed especially for medical and therapeutic services. You don't need any special software or equipment for it, except a screen and internet access. One advantage can be that you can stay in your own setting, and you don't have to travel to get there. Trauma therapy online offers you the possibility to be location independent.

It is also possible to combine the online / in-person formats. At different times, sometimes a face-to-face meeting is preferable. Your trauma therapy can also take place exclusively online. You decide whether your trauma therapy takes place online or on-site.

During an initial consultation we can decide together what is right for you!

What does the therapy cost?

Initial consultation. The initial consultation is free of charge and without obligation. It serves for us to get to know each other and for you to receive all the information you need to make a good and informed decision for yourself.

Therapy session. One 50 minute session costs 100 euros. You will receive an invoice at the end of the month. You can pay it within 14 days.

Payment. As a naturopath (Heliprakterin), the public health insurances do not cover the costs of the therapy I provide. Further, a cost reimbursement procedure (Kostenerstattungsverfahren) is not possible. In case you have a supplementary insurance or private health insurance, please check beforehand what costs will be covered. 

Application to the Sexual Abuse Fund (Fonds Sexueller Missbrauch). Please let me know in case you are interested in applying to this fund to cover your therapy costs. When you begin therapy with me, I will provide you with all the documentation required.

Do you need to cancel an appointment?

Please do so at least 48 hours before the scheduled appointment. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the cost of the canceled appointment.

Prices are valid as of 01/2023

Rebekka Leitlein

My guiding principles in therapy are self-determination and connecting to joy in life. I will gladly accompany you on your way to shed the burden of old patterns or wounds and let something new emerge from it. Your needs are of utmost importance to the process!

Path to therapy:

1. Non-binding initial consultation. Here you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and questions.

2. You choose to do your therapy with me online or in person.