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Rebekka Leitlein

My guiding therapeutic principles are self-empowerment, autonomy and connecting to joy in life. I will gladly accompany you on your way to shed the burden of old patterns or wounds and let something new emerge from it. Your needs are of utmost importance to the process!

Why am I a trauma therapist?

I believe from the bottom of my heart that things can change and a more equitable world is possible!

Trauma therapy is such a wonderful tool to learn to co-create the world we want to live in. It fills me with joy to see how this tool helps me and my clients to walk their path with more ease and joy.

“Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”


What is my approach to therapy?

Therapy means change. Together we look at what you would like to see change. Or what it takes to even allow yourself to imagine change in the first place.

In my work as a therapist I mainly work with people whose boundaries have been painfully violated and disrespected. One form of boundary transgression that many of my clients have experienced is sexualized violence, but not exclusively.

I work with all ages and identities. My clients come from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Everyone is welcome with their issues and circumstances, just as they are!

A roadmap for therapy: In therapy, we work with various methods that empower you to deal both with what you have experienced and with current challenges in a self-directed way. The goal is for you to gradually find out which methods work best for you. You will gain confidence in the methods and in yourself, enabling you to use them in your daily life outside of the therapy sessions.The further our collaboration progresses, the less you will need me.

What does social justice have to do with therapy?

In therapy, we can find new ways for you to combine your experience and knowledge to discover a better quality of life and to live it.

We are all constantly exposed to unjust social conditions. This affects our relationship to ourselves and to our bodies. Quite often these experiences have a great influence on how we feel and what we can imagine for ourselves and our lives.

In therapy, a space is created to process these experiences in a gentle way. Together, we can confront the injustices that you have faced. It cannot be undone, but I can assist you in figuring out how to live with it without letting what you have experienced hold you back from your desires or define you.

The knowledge of what it takes to do this is already there within you!

My Qualifications & resumé


  • Trauma therapeutic year-long study group with Michaela Huber, Göttingen
  • Diagnostics of dissociative disorders
  • Hypnotherapeutic possibilities: resource-oriented stabilization and affect modulation
  • Trauma processing in "bits and pieces".
  • Trauma processing of long-term trauma


  • Training in systemic family, couple and individual therapy at Campus Naturalis, Berlin
  • Module "Resource-oriented trauma therapy"
  • Module "Complex Trauma-related Disorders"
  • Module " Techniques of Intervention in Psychotherapy Practice"


  • Permission to practice medicine professionally (naturopath in psychotherapy)
  • Regular continuing education and training are as much a part of my work as regular supervision and peer observation

About me:

Born and raised in Germany, after school I lived for many years in NL, ES and HU. There I studied gender studies, worked and was involved in the respective local self-organized feminist movements. Intersectionality and a queer/transfeminist perspective have always been important to me. In 2014 I came to Berlin to start my training as a naturopath in psychotherapy. My career as a therapist began in 2017 when I began offering group therapy as well as couples therapy and working with queer biographies. Since 2019, my focus has been on trauma therapy.